October 16, 2024
Why Millennials Should Purchase Life Insurance

Why Millennials Should Purchase Life Insurance

Life insurance may not be top of mind for many millennials, but it’s one of the smartest financial moves you can make. It’s affordable when you’re young, it protects your loved ones, and, depending on the policy, it can even help you build wealth over time. Here’s why it’s worth considering life insurance now.

1. It’s Cheaper When You’re Younger

One of the biggest benefits of purchasing life insurance in your 20s or 30s is cost. The younger and healthier you are, the lower your premiums will be. Life insurance companies base premiums on risk, and younger people pose less risk, meaning you can lock in lower rates for years to come.

Waiting until later in life—or until you have health issues—could significantly increase the cost of coverage. Buying now helps you avoid higher premiums down the road, ensuring you have affordable protection when you need it most.

2. Build Up Your Savings at the Same Time

Certain types of life insurance, like whole life or universal life policies, allow you to build cash value over time. This feature makes life insurance not just a protective tool but a financial asset. As the policy grows, you can access the cash value to fund major life expenses, whether it’s for a home purchase, starting a business, or handling an emergency.

For millennials looking to build wealth over the long term, permanent life insurance offers an opportunity to grow savings while still providing essential coverage.

Why Millennials Should Purchase Life Insurance

3. Protect Your Dependents

Even if you don’t have children, life insurance is still important. You may have people who rely on you financially—like a spouse, partner, or even aging parents. Life insurance ensures that if something happens to you, they won’t be left with financial burdens, such as paying for your debts or funeral expenses.

If you do have children or plan to in the future, life insurance is a must. It guarantees that your family can maintain their standard of living if you’re no longer there to provide for them.

4. Consider Your Cosigners

If you’ve taken out student loans or other debts with a cosigner, that debt doesn’t disappear if something happens to you. Your cosigners could be responsible for paying off those loans. Life insurance ensures that your cosigners aren’t left struggling to pay off debts they helped you secure. It’s a way to protect the people who’ve supported you financially.

5. Employer Life Insurance is Insufficient

Many millennials rely on the life insurance coverage offered by their employer, but it’s often not enough. Most employer-provided policies offer minimal coverage, usually just one to two times your salary. While that’s a nice perk, it might not cover your family’s long-term financial needs.

Additionally, if you change jobs, you might lose that coverage. Having your own policy means you’ll always have the protection you need, no matter where your career takes you. It’s a wise move to supplement your employer’s policy with your own life insurance to ensure you’re fully covered.

Why Millennials Should Purchase Life Insurance

6. Paying for Funeral Expenses

No one wants to think about it, but funeral costs can be a significant financial burden. The average funeral costs between $7,000 and $12,000, which could be a lot for your family to cover if you don’t have a plan in place. Life insurance ensures that your loved ones won’t have to bear these costs.

By having a life insurance policy, you provide peace of mind for your family, knowing that the expenses tied to your passing won’t add to their grief.

7. Life Insurance Can Generate Wealth for Millennials

Beyond just protection, life insurance can also help millennials build wealth. With permanent life insurance policies, the cash value grows tax-deferred, meaning you won’t pay taxes on it as it accumulates. Over time, this cash can be accessed for major purchases or investments, making it a versatile financial tool.

Unlike traditional savings accounts or investments, life insurance also provides security. You know that, no matter what happens, your policy will be there to protect your family while also offering financial flexibility during your lifetime.

Why Millennials Should Purchase Life Insurance


Life insurance is a critical part of any sound financial plan. For millennials, it offers affordable protection, supports long-term financial goals, and provides security for loved ones. Whether you’re building wealth, protecting cosigners, or simply ensuring your family is covered in the event of an emergency, buying life insurance now is a decision that will benefit you for years to come.


Is life insurance really affordable for millennials?

Yes. Life insurance is more affordable when you’re young and healthy, making now the best time to lock in low rates.

What if I don’t have dependents—do I still need life insurance?

Even without dependents, life insurance can protect cosigners and cover debts like student loans or funeral costs.

Can life insurance help build wealth?

Yes, certain types of life insurance, like whole life policies, build cash value over time, offering a way to grow savings while maintaining coverage.

Insure Life Info

Discover everything you need to know about life insurance, from choosing the right policy to securing your family's financial future. Let's navigate this important decision together!

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